Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Security Updates: Last night was Update Tuesday, Microsoft's February 2020 Patch Tuesday fixes 99 security bugs

Microsoft's February 2020 Patch Tuesday fixes 99 security bugs

The second Tuesday of each month has become known as Patch Tuesday.  Microsoft released yesterday the February 2020 Patch Tuesday security updates. This month's updates include fixes for a whopping 99 vulnerabilities, making this Microsoft's biggest Patch Tuesday known to date.

With the possible combination and variety of installed programs not to mention a myriad of hardware configurations, issues are always a possibility.  Many users postpone updates, however, if possible install updates when available.  The internet is criminal infested and users and their info are under constant assault whether by Google, Alphabet, Facebook, and others gathering information discretely about you or criminals trying to steal your financial information.  There are many legit firms who collect your information and sell it to marketers and then they are hacked and your info is stolen along with millions of others.

On January 17, Microsoft disclosed ongoing attacks where hackers were using this IE zero-day, however, at the time, the OS maker could not provide a patch. This patch is now included with this month's cumulative security updates.

Read about this important update the following link;

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