Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Apple announces new Desktops on the way, Windows 10: The 10 biggest controversies and surprises in 2016.

Tim Cook says 'great desktops' are on the way for Apple

The death of the desktop computer has been touted for a number of years now with many people using tablets and smartphones for surfing the internet and email.  However for serious work you cannot accomplish (at least efficiently) the amount of work and creativity that you can with a desktop.  Now with iPad sales flagging Apple's Tim Cook recently told employees that new desktops are in Apple's future.  Read full article at following link;

Windows 10: The 10 biggest controversies & surprises in 2016

Microsoft flagship OS has generated it's share of user backlash.  Some of the things Redmond has been accused of is tricking Windows 7 and 8 users into upgrading to Windows 10, forced updates, OS bugs and more bugs, spying on users.

Users who wanted to stick with Windows 7 & 8 were disappointed when they learned the legacy OSs would not be supported on new AMD and Intel processors.

Read more at;

Locky ransomware: How this malware menace evolved in just 12 months

As soon as Security companies add detection for known malware to their software and devices, the bad guys update their payload with new features to evade detection.  The Locky ransomware has received multiple updates in the past year.  Security company Check Point said that Locky is the second most prevalent malware worldwide and that several different groups customize the malware so there are multiple versions in use.  Read the article at;

New 6th generation PCs available from DFS-Driving Force Software

Intel 7th Generation Notebooks

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