Friday, April 18, 2014

Types of Major Websites affected by Heartbleed bug; Michaels Stores confirms data breach, 3 million cards affected

In the aftermath of the Heartbleed bug, LWG Consulting has provided a chart that serves as a guide to what websites and passwords you should be concerned about.

This list is only a guide and may not apply to each and every financial institution or web entity.  Some websites may not fit exactly in the categories.  However, there are certain large companies on the list that everyone uses  Click on the link below.

For what it's worth, high NET or wealthy individuals, it is recommended to have a banking only computer. This computer is to be used for nothing but banking, no Facebook, EMail, surfing whatsoever.

There is a very good TV series on CNBC, "American Greed."  Two segments in the series dealt with online Cyber Fraud.

1.  The Fake PC-Optimizers/Fake anti-virus scams.  The overall take with this one operation exceeded $160 million.  I cannot find the CNBC segment now but here is a link about the story,

2.  The Zeus Trojan horse, allow hackers to access online bank accounts and steal millions virtually undetected. But there are ways to avoid being victimized

Michaels Stores confirms data breach, 3 million cards affected

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