Sunday, April 25, 2010

Security Alert - 1.5 million Facebook Accounts for Sale

I first saw this news last night on ZD-Net and now the story is appearing on ABC News.  If you use Facebook or any other social networking be vigilant when online.  The article mentions one aspect that I have already witnessed on Facebook, download of rogue ware.  I was on my sister's wall and one of her Friend's account was posting links to sites with titles like, "You must see this" or "Too Funny".  Once the link was clicked it re-directed to a compromised/infected site that attempted to download and install one of the many "Malware or Rogue Ware" programs that are so prevalent on the internet today.

I contacted my sister and she responded that her friend had already notified her and others about it and that the posts were not being sent by the friend.

Read the link and safe surfing!  BTW, note the comments at the bottom of the article, it appears people are using the comments now to contact people with SPAM!

Click here for ZD-Net article.

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