Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Kaspersky Ban, Latest Security News

The latest Security News and Anti-Virus options in wake of US Kaspersky ban.

With the impending 09/29/24 drop dead date for receiving updates looming over Kaspersky users, it is time to consider alternatives if you have a KAV subscription.  It is unknown whether the company will observer the no-update ban.

If you’re a Kaspersky customer, you have a little over 3 weeks to find a suitable alternative. There has been no news yet about refunds for those with annual plans but if the ban does go into effect, it’s likely the company will announce something along these lines.

Kaspersky’s antivirus has long been considered some of the best antivirus software due to its excellent malware protection, light system impact and included extras. If this ban does go into effect, we’ll be updating all of our antivirus and security software guides accordingly.

In the interim, Kaspersky users should be looking for alternatives just in case.  If you use Windows, Microsoft’s built-in Windows Defender antivirus is a great free option that is part of Windows.  However, it is recommended that you enhance your security with a product whose focus is the protection of your system from malware, viruses and all the bad actors you are online with daily.

 There are numerous offerings and opinions.  I have been researching for over a month.

I've read articles, watched videos about what to buy, what not to buy and why.  I wonder why everyone isn't with CrowdStrike which seems to be the preference of the big companies, yet it was an update from CrowdStrike that shut down so many systems last month, most notably airlines.

Bitdefender appears in most top 5 lists and I found a comparison of it to CrowdStrike.  Below are links to more info that may assist you in making a decision.

Bitdefender vs CrowdStrike 2024 | Gartner Peer Insights

7 Best Kaspersky Alternatives to Replace After the US Ban (

I found a very good article on Forbes Advisor that highlights 10 different anti-virus vendors along with each software's strength.  Their name contains a link to each ones website.

The Best Antivirus Software of 2024

Which one to choose?

There are a myriad of opinions online about antivirus as well as VPNs.  Below is a link about why you don't want Norton or McAfee.  John McAfee and Peter Norton were brilliant early pioneers in the PC security game.  McAfee was a maverick who ran for President in 2016, was imprisoned by the US for tax evasion and died while in custody.  The companies that represent their names today are in no way connected to either person.

Below is a link to a YouTube video that warns you to never buy Norton or McAfee.

Don't buy Norton or McAfee.  VPNs, dos and don'ts.

 NEVER install these programs on your PC... EVER!!! (

In conclusion I'm sure you're thinking, Thanks for Nothing!  I've reached the same conclusion after researching online through multiple searches for a month now.

I will be making recommendations this week and next week to my Business clients as I research costs thru Vendors for multi-seat license subscriptions.

In other Security News:

Enslaved in Asia and Forced to Scam Strangers Online

Millions of AMD CPUs vulnerable to hacks, and some won’t get patched

Story by PC World • 3w • 2 min read

Millions of AMD CPUs vulnerable to hacks, and some won’t get patched (

Warning Google Chrome users;

Never install browser extensions, honey, shopping extensions.

Thousands of Google Chrome browsers are at risk from this damaging attack (

DFORCE Workstations & Computers, custom builds, performance oriented Beasts

Thursday, August 1, 2024

CrowdStrike Outage, White House bans Kaspersky

It's been described as the largest IT outage in history.

The problem started late Thursday night (07/25/24) and continued into early Friday a.m. hours.  Windows computers protected by CrowdStrike security software were experiencing the dreaded BSOD, "Blue Screen of Death" after an update by the Security Firm.  Initially CrowdStrike tried to blame the problem on a Microsoft update.  The problem was caused by faulty code in a Hosts file.

U.S. air carriers were hit especially hard.  Their business is real-time and affected instantly when workers could not use their computers.  This disrupted travel all across the world.

I was asked last Friday why the impact was so severe.  The only way to fix an affected machine required an IT tech to physically address each machine one on one.  There was no magical way to roll out the fix automatically.

Yesterday Delta announced it was hiring a law firm to seek damage from CrowdStrike and Microsoft after suffering over a half billion in losses.  The CEO of Delta was on CNBC yesterday, 07/31/24.  He said that Delta had over 40,000 servers and each server required a visit by a tech to resolve the problem affirming what I mentioned above.

CrowdStrike is also being sued by its stock shareholders following a sharp drop in share price.

Computer security is a vital necessity in today's online cyber world and now our government is banning one of the best.

Kaspersky announces withdrawal from U.S. Market.  It is a victim of the ongoing Russian-Ukraine conflict.

Kaspersky security software will no longer keep a U.S. division for marketing its security software.  The White House announced a ban on the sale, resale and licensing of any Kaspersky products and services.

The Commerce Department alleges that the company and its products present a national security risk due to the Russia's ongoing cyber warfare.

Following a review of Kaspersky’s cybersecurity transactions and services, the Bureau of Industry and Security found that they posed “unacceptable risks to the United States' national security and the security and safety of its people.” Specifically, BIS concluded that the risk factors involved were threats posed by the Russian Federation, vulnerabilities created by Kaspersky products for national security and the impact of Russia exploiting them.

Kaspersky offered to allow a 3rd party access to its code in an attempt to prove it's code is not being used for cyber warfare to no avail.

My own experience with Kaspersky is that it has kept my customers safe.  I aided one customer whose MindSpring email account had been suspended due to generating spam.  Their computers were protected by Malwarebytes.  MindSpring indicated that one of the computer was infected by a Trojan.  The scan performed by Malwarebytes came back okay, no malicious objects detected.  However, upon installing Kaspersky, the Trojan was found and eliminated with the first scan.

Although the Biden administration has said there will be no legal repercussions to businesses or individuals who continue to use KAV, updates will not be available after September 30th, 2024.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Say it's not so! Windows 12 is coming in 2024. Apple iPhone malware/exploits.

Windows 12 is coming soon in 2024

I've read too many emails and articles hinting at a new Windows in the months leading up to 2024 and now it's not even a secret any more.  Microsoft is readying it's latest iteration of it's Windows operating system, Windows 12.

It was July 15, 2015 when Windows 10 was released.  It came after the "seemed like a good idea, Windows 8" which tried to merge the phone/tablet and desktop devices.  Unfortunately it was so different users found the learning curve of Windows 8 delayed them from accomplishing their daily tasks.

Why can't Windows be more like Apple OS, new features, fixes but essentially feels the same.  Voila, Windows 10 was supposed to be the answer.  It was but then came Windows 11 with it's centered Apple like taskbar, which can be modified.

It may be that Windows 12 will support ARM processors as well as Intel/AMD processors.  Sometimes it is easier to start from scratch rather that try to make an existing code do something not inherent to it's original intent.

ARM processors are found in small, battery-powered devices such as laptops, tablets and smartphones.  However, ARM processors are also used for desktops and servers, including the world's fastest supercomputer (Fugaku) from 2020 to 2022(1).

It may be that Windows 12 can accomplish the meshing of the myriad of devices in a way that Windows 8 was unable to do.

BTW, Windows 10 End of Life is October 14, 2025.  See footnote 3 below.

Scammers, thieves and ne'er do wells.

More than likely, we've all received emails or maybe texts that reference products or services we didn't buy.  The invoices sometimes mimic PayPal invoices and are very legit in appearance.  Many do not contain links but only a phone number for you to call.  Once on the phone the scammers are very cunning, they're your friend and willing to help.  Beware of any such emails and feel free to forward them to me.  You can comment and ask for my help.

Watch out for your neighbors.

Gwinnett couple lost life savings to scammers pretending to be Geek Squad

Apple iPhones Viruses and Malware

Apple has always claimed that their phones are not susceptible to viruses.  I know that's not true because I've a client who has had services compromised in the past through a mobile app on their phone.

Last night I called Apple support about an issue with the Wallet on my iPhone.  I was experiencing a non-transmit error when I tried to pay.  It was related to a glitch in my time zone setting.

The tech was nice, Indian I'm guessing because of accent.  I asked him about Apple's claim of being virus/malware proof.  He said maybe it was because every time you update your phone, the new IOS scans for malware.

I next asked him about the iPhones in Pakistan that were delivered with the Blast Pass Exploit.  This code is a zero-day, zero-click malware deployment exploit capable of infecting the latest Apple IOS versions (up to v16.6) without any assist from the user.  It specifically downloads Pegasus spyware.

In response to this threat, Apple has issued a remedial advisory for iPhone users and is sending alerts to its users to notify them of the potential targeting by NSO Pegasus spyware or state-sponsored attackers. (2)

I want to advise clients of mine who have Kaspersky AV, that there is a KAV app for your smartphones, both IOS and Android included with your subscription.

BTW, I told the Apple tech what to search for to find the article.  The Pakistan government has been dealing with iPhone issues since 2021, may be earlier.

Government Warns About IPhone User Hacking in Pakistan


(1) WikiPedia

(2) NewsGuru - Pakistan

(3) The final version of Windows 10 is version 22H2, which will reach end of servicing on October 14, 2025. Beginning with Windows 10, version 21H2, feature updates for Windows 10 release are released annually, in the second half of the calendar year, to the General Availability Channel. For information about servicing timelines, see the Windows lifecycle FAQ1.

DFORCE Elite Workstations (not consumer crap!)

Our workstations are designed using the best available components to include, Intel unlocked processors matched to Z chipset mainboards.  The SSDs are M2, Western Digital/Samsung high end.  Not all solid state drives are the same, read/write speeds vary greatly.

Kaspersky Ban, Latest Security News

The latest Security News and Anti-Virus options in wake of US Kaspersky ban. With the impending 09/29/24 drop dead date for receiving update...