Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Microsoft releases Emergency Security Update, please update ASAP

Microsoft releases out-of-band security update to fix IE zero-day Defender bug

Generally, Microsoft releases updates on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.  However an emergency update was issued yesterday by Microsoft and it is urging Windows users to install these updates as soon as possible.

The updates patch 2 bugs, one an Internet Explorer zero-day bug is the most serious and has already been exploited in active attacks in the wild.

The attack requires luring an Internet Explorer user on a malicious website, which is a rather trivial task, as it can be achieved by various methods such as spam email, IM spam, search engine ads, malvertising campaigns, and others.

for more details about this and the other bug fix, click on the following link;

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Huge Patch Tuesday update, Security News: States brace for ransomware assaults on voter registries

Microsoft patches two zero-days in massive September 2019 Patch Tuesday

Microsoft's September 2019 Patch Tuesday comes with 80 fixes, 17 of which are for critical bugs.

Yesterday was the 2nd Tuesday of the month which means Patch Tuesday for Windows users.  This patch includes fixes for two Zero-Day exploits.  If a system downloads the malware and infects the host, an attacker can run malware on the system using administrator privileges thus spreading on a network and outside the organization.  One of the exploits impacts the Winsock service, very bad malware.

"As usual, Microsoft didn't reveal any details of how the two bugs were being exploited in the wild, only acknowledging a security researcher from Qihoo 360 Vulcan Team with discovering the first."

This Patch Tuesday update is larger than all previous Patch Tuesday updates released this year.

To read more click on the following link;

States brace for ransomware assaults on voter registries

Hackers have recently shutdown municipal computer in Texas, Maryland, Florida, and New York.  In each case, the affected users have their files held hostage and databases threatened to be erased unless a ransom is paid.  Atlanta was the subject of a massive cyberattack that began March 2018.

"In response to this hack, Atlanta devoted $2.7 million to contractors in order to recover, but later estimated it would need $9.5 million.[12] 

On November 26, 2018, the Department of Justice indicted two Iranian hackers for the attack, charging that Faramarz Shahi Savandi and Mohammad Mehdi Shah Mansouri were part of the SamSam group and created SamSam Ransomware"

Today officials are concerned that the same types of malware will be used to shut down voter registration and polling stations in the upcoming 2020 elections.

Illinois plans to move its voter registration to a closed optical network that will be offline from other State computers and networks.

"A successful ransomware attack at a critical point before an election could limit access to information and has the potential to undermine public confidence in the election itself," DHS spokesman Scott McConnell said in a statement.

Full article at the following link;

Other News of Note;

Wave goodbye to passwords: Soon you could unlock your PC just by holding up your hand

Hitachi Europe has developed Biometric technology that could allow PC users to unlock their computer via their webcam by scanning veins in their fingers.

Password management is a critical component of IT maintenance.  Many users do not take password security seriously, using easily guessed weak passwords to protect critical information.  Biometrics are already being used on modern smartphones and Microsoft's Hello technology that allows you to login with your face.

Entire article at;

Apple unveils new iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro

Apple has introduced 2 new iPhones as well as a new iPad.  The base starter phone, iPhone 11 is even priced $50 less than it's predecessor.  However,

"Apple kept the starting prices of its more advanced models, the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max, at $1,000 and $1,100. The company unveiled the new phones at a 90-minute press event at its Silicon Valley campus."

Apple has rebranded its iPhone line to make the iPhone 11 its entry-level option while adding a “Pro” label to its more expensive models.

George Soros offers rare praise for Trump and how he’s handled Huawei in the trade war

Say it's not so! Windows 12 is coming in 2024. Apple iPhone malware/exploits.

Windows 12 is coming soon in 2024 I've read too many emails and articles hinting at a new Windows in the months leading up to 2024 and n...