Last week, Microsoft had four separate issues that knocked its cloud-based e-mail services offline for up to 9 hours. Those incidents highlight the most important thing to keep in mind when buying any cloud service ..
Pyramid: Why Windows Phone will beat Android
Read more: cloud used in PlayStation Network hack
This isn't the first time that Amazon's EC2 service has been used by a third party for shady purposes. A German researcher showed earlier this year that one could use EC2 to launch brute-force attacks against a WPA-ASK-protected wireless network. For the grand cost of $1.68 and twenty minutes of time, Thomas Roth successfully forced his way into the secured network without issue. A brute-force attack isn't the most sophisticated of techniques, but it's certainly cheap, easy, and successful: Roth estimates that he'd be able to cut the time down to six minutes.
Are Leaked iPhone 5G Cases a Sign Apple is 'iPad-izing' the iPhone?